In case there is anyone out there that thinks medical school is just fun and games and roaming around England you would be highly mistaken. I have in the past three weeks had: 18 anatomy lectures, 2 anatomy labs, 1 anatomy small group session, 17 biochemistry lectures, 12 histology lectures, 3 histology labs, 9 bioethics lectures, and 2 bioethics small group sessions. This does not include anytime that I am spending going to the anatomy lab or reviewing in small groups. I basically have class from 9AM-5PM every day, and as exhausted as I am at the end of the day I make dinner and then start studying again. I have been waking up at 6:20 every morning to catch the 7:03 metro into Newcastle so that I can get to the gym right when it open (because it's really busy right after class).
A week from Monday I have my unified quiz which contains 25 questions from each of the 4 subjects that I am taking and then that Friday I have my final for bioethics. This Monday I am doing an ethical debated on sickle cell anemia, and our grader is really tough. Apparently in England a good "mark" is 60-70 percent. I have persuaded my entire group to get dressed up for the debate in the hopes that it will win us some points (sense we have the bad side of the argument).
I have also reinstated the wall of biochem (for those of you who lived with me junior year you'll know what I'm talking about). It was actually quite easy this time around because I still had the document saved from the first time it. For those of you who don't it just contains all 20 of the Amino acids in the body including their structure and properties. Not only is it REALLY FUN to look at it adds something to my wall, it's very bare so it makes a nice wallpaper.
As for funny words this week I can only think of a few: motor-way (interstate), postcode (zip code), quid (same as pound, their money), and interestingly the traffic lights turn red and yellow simultaneously before turning green. I've also learned to look RIGHT then LEFT, I usually have to turn my entire body just to make sure I'm look RIGHT first.
Well that's all for now, back to studying sorry no pictures this week, but I do have a goal of getting a picture of a constable (yes they do exist, and they where boulder hats and patrol the streets), so maybe that will be next weeks picture, something to look forward to.