Dr. Mark Williams,our biochemistry, professor who is Welsh was the professor who was chosen to do the honors, and our other professor Dr. Brian Curry (anatomy prof) introduced him (he's British). Apparently the Welsh and the Brits are not huge fans of each other in the general UK population and Curry and Williams are no different, (they actually really like each other and just make fun of each other non-stop and give the other a hard time). They each believe that there subject biochem or anatomy is the more important one during the first term, which they told us in the first week and continuosly thoughout the term. It is definitly a hard choice because they've added embryology to our anatomy course so technically it is worth more credits than biochem, but anatomy is pure memorization where as biochem is memorization, understanding, and application. Anyways back to the formal, Dr. Curry got up and started harping on Williams about when they met down in Grenada and how there friendship has progressed.
Williams got up with his usually Hello FOLKS, he always says folks, and his most famous phrase is "this is important for medical student, folks" or "settle down folks" either way we here it multiple times a lecture, and I don't think he gets that we can't stop laughing every time he says folks. He started with a heart-warming speach about being in medicine and then preceeded to show us embarassing pictures of all the faculty or in some cases just baby pictures.
After the slide show there was dancing in which a few of our professors actually made it to the dance floor and I'm sure all the pictures are wandering around the web by now.
Last weekend I made it down to the coast for some authentic Fish and Chips and it was amazing! I will definitely go back there again!
Study mode is upon me as finals are 3 weeks away, I look forward to hearing how you are all doing, and I will update you as soon as exciting things start happening again!